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Drager X-Dock 5300/6300/6600 Test & Calibration Station For Portable Gas Detection Instruments
The Drager X-dock series provides you with full control of your
portable Drager gas detection instruments. Automatic bump
tests and calibrations with reduced test gas consumption and
short testing times save time and money. Comprehensive documentation
and evaluations provide you with a clear overview.
AS VERSATILE AS YOUR REQUIREMENTS - The X-dock is available in a wide variety
of versions. The X-dock 5300 includes
a master station including a module for
a gas detection instrument from the
X-am 1/2/5x00 or Pac family. It is
immediately ready to use. The X-dock
6300 and 6600 versions can be configured
freely. They consist of a master station
and can be expanded with up to 10
modules for X-am 1/2/5x00 and/or Pac1
gas detection instruments.
EASIER THAN EVER BEFORE - Insert the device, close the lid and remove
it when the indicator goes "green" - a test
with the X-dock is just that simple. It immediately
detects all sensor combinations.
Furthermore, the X-dock automatically
tests and adjusts when all required test
gases are connected. The station works
independently and can be configured
and used without a PC. The station is
operated via an integrated touchscreen.
A gas detection instrument is detected
as soon as it is inserted, and all data is
documented in the database.
DOCUMENTATION - Do you need to document whether or not
your devices are ready for operation? Who
tested which device when, and what the
result was? The X-dock stores all of the
relevant data and reads the collected information
from the gas detection instruments
for subsequent evaluations - providing you
with complete control every step of the way.
You can use the reporting function (report
wizard) to create customised reports.
Furthermore, you can print a calibration
certificate right at the stations, since the Xdock
series supports standard PostScriptcompatible
USB printers. This functionality
allows the user to manage all requirements
of EN 60079-29-1 and EN 60079-29-2.
AUTOMATICALLY REDUCED COSTS - With a reduced gas flow (300 mL/min
instead of 500 mL/min) per module, you
save costs on test gases. Short testing
times reduce the overall maintenance efforts.
The valve concept (patent pending)
requires one pump only, resulting in the
need for less wear and tear parts. The
valves automatically switch the test gases
and - when connected - the compressed
air as well.

Data Sheet

SIGNIFICANT TIME SAVINGS - Up to 10 modules can be connected to
the X-dock at any given time, allowing you
to test gas detection instruments simultaneously
but also independently of each
other. The automatic bump test also saves
time, because the test only takes 8 to 15
seconds*. All Drager test gas cylinders
are already stored in the database - entering
the part number will automatically fill in the
fields required for the gas configuration.
This eliminates the need for manual data
* For standard sensors: CH4, O2, CO, H2S
OVERVIEW OF RESULTS - The additional "X-dock Manager" software
offers you even more comfort: It produces
a detailed evaluation of the data in
the calibration system and gas detection
instruments, and presents the information
in various graphics and statistics - providing
you with a complete overview of all
results. All connected X-dock systems can
be connected in one network. Therefore,
the data is not only stored locally in the
system, but in a central database as well.
With the X-dock manager you are always
in control.
Touchscreen operation at the master
Up to three configurable test routines
Automatic leak tests
Automatic tests of alarm elements
(acoustic, visual and vibration alarms)
Optional charging function for
X-am 1/2/5x00
Replaceable seal cartridge
12V operation (e.g., in vehicles)
Can be subsequently expanded with
up to 10 modules (X-dock 6300/6600)
Evaluation of sensor response time
An overview page which quickly compiles the most important information
Gas exposure in specific areas, number of conducted tests, device availability,
overview of created/sent reports
Templates for regular reports
An issue and return function to allocate gas detection instruments to specific individuals
Monitoring of stations within the network: All connected systems can be monitored
(e.g., information on the gas configuration)
Overview of devices: direct access to test reports and device configuration
Ordering Information
Drager X-dock 5300 X-am 125, for instruments Drager X-am
2000/2500/5000/5600 8321880
Drager X-dock 5300 PAC, for instruments Drager PAC 3500/5500/7000. 8321881
Drager X-dock 6300 Master with 3 test gas connections plus fresh air 8321900
Drager X-dock 6600 Master with 6 test gas connections plus fresh air 8321901
Drager X-dock X-am 125 Instrument Module for Drager X-am 125 series 8321890
Drager X-dock X-am 125+ Instrument Module for Drager X-am 125 series
with charging function 8321891
Drager X-dock PAC Instrument Module for Drager PAC 3500/5500/7000 8321892

Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.
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