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Cost-effective and efficient multi-purpose systems for low temperature applications. LTC2 Refrigerated Circulating Baths The TC120 - R2 is available ready assembled with the circulator mounted on the refrigerator and supplied with insulated tubing and clips to form a system ready to use. Supported by an industry leading 4 year warranty emphasising Grant`s confidence in the reliability of its refrigeration products.
LTC4 Refrigerated Circulating Baths The TX150 - R4 is available ready assembled with the circulator mounted on the refrigerator and supplied with insulated tubing and clips to form a system ready to use.
T100 R Series Refrigerated Circulating Baths The Grant Optima™ T100 R series of refrigerated circulating baths with digital control provides excellent value for money for straightforward applications requiring accurate heating and cooling in the temperature range of 0 to 100°C.
Tank Options
TC120 R Series Refrigerated Baths and Circulators The Grant Optima™ TC120 R series of refrigerated baths and circulators with digital control provides excellent value for money for more demanding applications requiring accurate heating and cooling in the range of -20 to 100°C.
Tank Options
TX150 R Series Refrigerated Circulating Baths The Grant Optima™ TX150 series of digitally controlled refrigerated circulating baths provides outstanding performance for routine and sophisticated applications requiring accurate temperature control in the range of -47 to 100°C.
Tank Options
TXF200 R Series Refrigerated Circulating Baths The Grant Optima™ TXF200 series of digitally controlled refrigerated circulating baths provides outstanding performance for routine and sophisticated applications requiring accurate temperature control in the range of -47 to 100°C.
Tank Options
Ordering InformationGrant Instruments Refrigerated Circulating Baths
Powerful precision cooling whether used in open-loop or closed-loop format
Combining legendary quality, reliability and design for everyday usage - useful features, straightforward maintenance, compact design
Robust, durable construction for longevity, reliability and long-term low cost of ownership
A complete range - 18 models to cover basic through to sophisticated needs
All refrigeration products come with market-leading 3-year warranties
Grant low temperature circulators provide a source of
precision cooling for many sensitive analytical procedures
including spectrophotometry, viscometry, refractometry
and electrophoresis. They are suitable for use in both
open and closed loop circulation (i.e. remote vessel open
or closed).
Alternatively, Grant RC series of recirculating chillers
(closed circulators) can be used. These are generally
needed for more powerful cooling requirements, e.g. the
removal of mechanical or electrical heat produced in
apparatus or machinery.
The four Grant Optima™ thermostats can be combined
with the five Grant refrigeration units to provide a choice
of 18 models.
The Grant Optima™ LTC2 Kit includes TC120 heating circulator and R2 tank/refrigeration unit.
The Grant Optima™ LTC4 Kit includes TX150 heating circulator and R4 tank/refrigeration unit.
The Grant T100 heating circulator incorporates Intelligent Control Optimisation™ (ICO) for adaptive intelligent PID temperature control and can be combined with four of Grant's refrigeration units.
T100-R1 (tank now obsolete)
T100-R2 (tank now obsolete)
Combine the versatile Grant Optima™ digital immersion thermostat TC120 with a choice of four Grant refrigeration units.
The TC120 immersion thermostat incorporates Intelligent Control Optimisation (ICO)™ for adaptive intelligent PID temperature control and includes a powerful integral pump, making TC120 series refrigerated systems suitable both for immersing samples and circulating temperature controlled fluid to external devices. It includes a convenient timer function for reaction timing and a variable high temperature alarm setting. The temperature range and heater power are automatically limited according to the liquid type selected.
TC120-R1 (tank now obsolete)
TC120-R2 (tank now obsolete)
Grant GR150 series refrigerated systems combine the powerful and versatile Grant Optima™ digital heating circulator TX150 with a choice of five rugged stainless steel refrigeration units with different facilities and working volumes.
The Grant Optima™ TX150 is a high-performance programmable digital heating circulator with an exceptionally simple user interface. This allows fast set-up of multiple parameters through a powerful menu system and provides sophisticated control for temperature-controlled applications.
The TX150 has USB connectivity to a PC or laptop. It is programmable with Labwise™, a software program to set all parameters, including programs, via the PC. Labwise™ also features real-time status windows, a graphic display of the controller's performance as a program is run, and allows data to be logged for future recall and analysis.
TX150-R1 (tank now obsolete)
TX150-R2 (tank now obsolete)
TX150-R3 (tank now obsolete)
Grant TXF200 series refrigerated systems combine the powerful and versatile Grant Optima™ digital heating circulator TXF200 with a choice of five rugged stainless steel refrigeration units with different facilities and working volumes.
The TXF200 heating circulator incorporates Intelligent Control OptimisationTM (ICO) for adaptive intelligent PID temperature control and includes a powerful integral pump, making TXF200 series refrigerated systems suitable both for immersing samples and circulating temperature controlled fluid to external devices. The temperature range and heater power are automatically limited according to the liquid type selected.
The Grant Optima™ TXF200 is a high-performance, programmable digital heating circulator and features a full colour QVGA TFT screen displaying actual and set temperature and clear status icons. Intuitive screen icons and menus allow fast set-up of multiple parameters and provides precision control for both routine and sophisticated temperature-controlled applications in the range of -50 to 200°C.
USB interface allows connection to PC/laptop for programming or data logging. It can be used with Labwise™ software, program to set all parameters, including programs, via the PC. Labwise™ also features real-time status windows, a graphic display of the controller's performance as a program is run, and allows data to be logged for future recall and analysis.
TXF200-R1 (tank now obsolete)
TXF200-R2 (tank now obsolete)
TXF200-R3 (tank now obsolete)
Refrigerated heating circulating bath kit with tubing and clips -20 to 100°C, 5L includes drain & relay (as per TC120-R2) LTC2
Refrigerated heating circulating bath kit with tubing and clips -30 to 100°C, 20L includes drain & relay (as per TX150-R4) LTC4
Refrigerated heating circulating bath 0 to 100°C, 5L T100-R1
Refrigerated heating circulating bath 0 to 100°C, 5L, includes drain, relay T100-R2
Refrigerated heating circulating bath 0 to 100°C, 20L, includes drain, relay T100-R4
Refrigerated heating circulating bath 0 to 100°C, 12L, includes drain, relay (No 120V) T100-R5
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -20 to 100°C, 5L TC120-R1
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -20 to 100°C, 5L, includes drain, relay TC120-R2
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -20 to 100°C, 20L, includes drain, relay TC120-R4
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -20 to 100°C, 12L, includes drain, relay (No 120V) TC120-R5
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -20 to 100°C, 5L TX150-R1
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -20 to 100°C, 5L, includes drain, relay TX150-R2
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -30 to 100°C, 5L, includes drain, relay TX150-R3
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -30 to 100°C, 20L, includes drain, relay TX150-R4
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -47 to 100°C, 12L, includes drain, relay (No 120V) TX150-R5
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -20 to 100°C, 5L TXF200-R1
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -20 to 100°C, 5L, includes drain, relay TXF200-R2
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -30 to 100°C, 5L, includes drain, relay TXF200-R3
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -30 to 100°C, 20L, includes drain, relay TXF200-R4
Refrigerated heating circulating bath -47 to 100°C, 12L, includes drain, relay (No 120V) TXF200-R5
HEATING CIRCULATORS - Please specify UK, Euro, Aus or US lead
Digital heating circulator, general purpose 0* to 100°C T100
Digital heating circulator, general purpose -20* to 120°C, pump TC120
Digital heating circulator, advanced -50* to 150°C, pump TX150
Digital heating circulator, advanced, programmable, -50* to 200°C, powerful multi-stage pump TXF200
* Operation at or below ambient requires cooling
REFRIGERATION UNITS - Please specify UK, Euro, Aus or US lead
Refrigeration unit minimum temperature -20°C, 5L R1
Refrigeration unit minimum temperature -20°C, 5L, includes drain, relay R2
Refrigeration unit minimum temperature -30°C, 5L, includes drain, relay R3
Refrigeration unit minimum temperature -30°C, 20L, includes drain, relay R4
Refrigeration unit minimum temperature -47°C, 12L, includes drain, relay (No 120V) R5
N.B. A heating circulator is required to achieve desired temperature
Accessory vertical turbine pumps - Please specify UK, Euro or Aus lead
Vertical turbine pump fits R1, R2 & R3 units, 1000mbar pressure (120V please enquire) VTP1-PLR123
Vertical turbine pump fits R4 unit, 1000mbar pressure (120V please enquire) VTP1-PLR4
Vertical turbine pump fits R5 unit, 1000mbar pressure (No 120V) VTP1-PLR5
Vertical turbine pump fits R1, R2 & R3 units,1650mbar pressure (No 120V) VTP2-PLR123
Vertical turbine pump fits R4 unit, 1650mbar pressure (No 120V) VTP2-PLR4
Vertical turbine pump fits R5 unit, 1650mbar pressure (No 120V) VTP2-PLR5
Software for programming TX150/TXF200, GR150/GP200 includes USB & RS232 cable Labwise
Bridge plates for use with refrigeration units
Bridge plate fits G Optima heating circulator models to R1, 2 & 3 G-BR3
Bridge plate fits G Optima heating circulator models to R4 G-BR4
Bridge plate fits G Optima heating circulator models to R5 G-BR5
Bridge plate replacement fits T Optima heating circulator models to R1, 2 & 3 T-BR3
Bridge plate replacement fits T Optima heating circulator models to R4 T-BR4
Bridge plate replacement fits T Optima heating circulator models to R5 T-BR5
Communication Interface spec for Optima TX150 & TXF200 T-CIS
note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without
notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this
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